For the last 3 years photographers have used Instagram to showcase their work and journal their careers through square images.
The only catch is that they have no control of where the content is placed and all of their information is being harvested to generate income for Instagram and Facebook.
Such a bummer with all of their terms of service bull crap.
Guess what.
There is a better way.
The way of Pressgram.
So what makes Pressgram so different? What does it have to offer photographers that Instagram doesn’t?
Here is why photographers should be using Pressgram instead of Instagram:
1. Pressgram claims no ownership or rights to your images.
They don’t want anything from your images. Pressgram believes you should have creative control of who owns your images and where they should be. Those images are yours and yours alone.
2. Pressgram allows you to post to your social networks and your WordPress blog.
Now that is pretty damn cool. Not only do you get to post from a photo filter app right to social networks, but now you can post to your WordPress blog and instead of sharing traffic to a random server that stores your mobile user photos, you now are directing real traffic to your blog and websites.
So what does that mean? Why is that good?
Traffic to your website rather than just a facebook page or image URL means you are routing people and potential clients YOUR WEBSITE on YOUR SERVERS. You have complete control of your website and blog. You have branded it for what you do and people can see the real you and not your Facebook page that is full of distractions and advertisements.
The more you post, the more traffic you drive to your site. Amazing for SEO and no more paying for Facebook page views and no more losing control of your images on Facebook and Instagram.
Generating true traffic to your website means more clients and more clients means more opportunity to be successful in your business. That is a great thing.
3. Pressgram is very dynamic in what it can and will do.
With Pressgram you will not only be able to post to one blog, but to multiple wordpress accounts if you wish. This cuts out a lot of grief and gives you control of your audience. No longer will you have to make multiple accounts for different things you do. If you have different projects on your website you can now post to the blog of your choice at the flip of a switch or even all at once.
The cool thing is that it’s only going to get better from hear because the community will form what Pressgram needs to be for the users. Updates and integration will happen as the community demands more functions.
Which brings me to my next point.
4. Pressram will offer up a new passionate community for you.
Pressgram was built and designed as a community tool, instead of another social network. It can introduce you to great new people, blogs, and even new friendships. The connections that can and will be made is phenomenal.
Being that a large portion of the community will be WordPress users, that speaks for itself. WordPress users are so passionate about what they do. They love to write and love to comment. It’s a breeding ground for success and great relationships.
5. Pressgram will help you succeed.
When you break all of this down, you can see the bigger picture. Pressgram is here to help you. Pressgram wants you to win. Pressgram wants you to build great relationships, tell great stories, and help you do what you do best.
Pressgram will allow you to shoot, edit and post on the go with minimal effort. Write as little or as much as you want and start moving people to your website with a simple click of the publish button.
The average increase in traffic among beta testers alone is 20+% and I was one of those testers. It’s true. It will help you.
More traffic means more clients and more clients means more success to support you and possibly your family.
You honestly have nothing to lose and everything to gain with Pressgram.
What are you waiting for?
Find me on Pressgram! My username is “kineticbear”
nice write up jacob!
Thanks Todd! Great things ahead!
Thanks Todd! :)
I couldn’t agree more with your take on Pressgram, and you’ve presented the case clearly and well (aha! You passed Blogging 101 with honors, didn’t you?). Amateurs will always have Instagram, and for their babies’ and kitties’ photos, it’s a great platform for them. But for professionals, who aren’t eager to share work that will get repurposed or stolen, Pressgram has the power to be a great solution. I’m hoping that’s the case! Just posted to WordPress about it, too, toasting to Pressgram’s success!
Thanks Jann! Too kind!
Pressgram is a great thing!
this is fantastic. off to follow you now! :)
Thanks! :) Awesome!