When it comes trying to become someone greater, we tend to think that some big moment will happen and change everything. For most of us, probably all of us, that won’t happen. There is something so simple that can truly change each of us.
Keeping commitments and putting all you have into them is what changes you.
Everyone seems to be waiting for that defining moment to finally see change, but defining moments are temporary. Working day in and day out on a promise you keep is what defines you and create great change. We all can meet marks and celebrate goals we met, but when it comes down to it, its the work we do every single day that made that happen.
The depth of true loyalty is shown after you just got done with your full time day job and still give 110%.
It was those long and grueling nights that made things happen or staying up all night with your crying child. It wasn’t that last night where the project was complete or the day your child was born. It was every single moment you spent and committed to that made a difference. The commitment to raising your children right. The commitment to your team and making sure it gets done and done well.
You may have done it most imperfectly, but you did it.
You finished that project, you managed to raise a child to go on, graduate from college and give you grandchildren. You managed to not give up when you had the chance to. Let’s be honest, we all have the chance to give up, but it’s usually the most embarrassing place to be emotionally, even if no one else knows about it. We know it on the inside that we let go and gave in. When we decide to not give in, to not give up and to do the best damn job we can, even when we hate it with every inch of our body, that’s when we truly define ourselves. We show not only others, but ourselves what we are truly capable of.
Commitment is the hammer that forges us into greatness.
Every swing of that mighty mallet is meant to change us. It is meant to shape us into something great. Don’t fight it. Let it beat you down in order to lift you up.