My Fragments project and previous project work have inspired me to sit down an finally learn Adobe Illustrator to expand my abilities as a creator. I have fallen in love with text and graphic art that can be incorporated with photography through the last year or two and I wish to take my work to the next level. I have been using Photoshop, but I know Illustrator can be much more powerful for that. It will also be essential in helping me design my book that I want to print this coming winter. InDesign is on my to do list to learn as well.
I will be taking my first lesson through Skillshare
Many of you are probably thinking…..
“Why would you pay to learn about Illustrator? The internet has a ton of free lessons!”
My first reason for using Skillshare is this.
I want to support the creative education community and industry.
That is so important. As much as many of us don’t want to pay for things, the idea is that without support for education and the industry, it cannot exist. I want to support those that are willing to teach and they should be paid for sharing their knowledge. Especially if they do it well!
I want to be a part of a passionate community that loves to learn and create.
Learning things on your own can be done, but being able to ask questions, discuss and share work with those on the same level as you is very cool. Skillshare enables you to do that. This will be my first class with Skillshare, but I am very hopeful of what I will get out of it because of the community it has. Maybe some day I will be able to teach in it!
So from time to time I will be updating you on my journey with Adobe Illustrator and the things I create. It is going to be an exciting time!