No matter what journey we go on, having a companion to share it with is vital.
None of us really want to go out and into the unknown on our own. That can be intimidating and sometimes dangerous. I am not just talking about the wilderness or the open ocean, I am talking about all aspects of life. Every small event that happens to us in our life counts. It is a part of our story. We are adventurous by nature and curious at heart, but we can get really scared sometimes.
Going through something difficult is always easier when you have a companion to conquer it with. It may be your fight, but together you endure.
There is something magical about sharing a challenging experience with someone by your side. They start to understand your fears. They begin to see solutions. They want to help you win the battle. Through each battle relationships grow and develop. Trust and loyalty begin to emerge from even the darkest parts of your life with these companions we embrace.
It can’t be just anyone either. We have seen others give up on us. We have seen the weak fall. We develop a sense of discernment for those we want to go to war with. Those that we want on our side.
And when the war is over, you have great allies. You have grand stories to share. You have the ability to return the favor.
Most of all, you have been blessed with friends that are with you until the end.
Who are your companions in your life?