Creation builds a path to happiness.
Not everyone believes they are creative people. We tend to think that if we are not overly impressive that we should just not even bother anymore. The truth is that simple examples of creation can bring us the most joy in our lives.
It’s not about showing off and being flashy. Creativity and making things is about finding happiness in what we do.
Creation is not limited to just art forms.
Businesses create jobs, opportunities and relationships that help the community. That is something to be happy about.
Farmers create food for harvest. That is something to celebrate and be thankful for.
Teachers create moments of clarity for people both young and old so that we can communicate and grow.
Creation is not just about making things, but revealing the truth of humanity.
It allows happiness to find a way.
We are all creations, built to be creators.
So go on, create something and share it with the world.