One thing that I always seem to find is that people tend to get a little intimidated by all of the menus in Photoshop. It could also just be that they are unaware of how easy it is to get a great new look using simple tasks that they never really thought about using.
There are times when I think to myself, “I will probably never be using this stupid thing, why would I use this? It looks like its from 1993 or something”
Then the day will come when you realize that the exact tool or function you were making fun of not too long ago is now making your new work shine.
I am thinking of doing a tutorial on this photo:
It was really fun to experiment with this photo as well as a few others that I felt could be revealed in a new way.
The original edit was pretty dark and dreary, but I wanted it to be a little more colorful and pop.
I will be working on a tutorial of my creative process behind this very soon.
If there are certain questions you have about this photo, feel free to ask in the comments below!
I like the dreary photo better, but I’m a dreary guy.