As we all aim for greater things in life, it’s easy to start comparing. “If I just had that job, my life would be so much better…” Sure, a “better” job might bring you more happiness than your current situation, but how much will it change your perspective? How can you expect yourself to be satisfied at any given moment if you can’t be content with today?
Learning to be content with today, even the worst circumstances, allows us to feel true happiness.
Obvious reasons for happiness isn’t something we are constantly blessed with. If you can’t be satisfied with this moment, right here, right now, you never will be. Perspective and your inner spirit truly drive outcomes in your own life. As much as you want to rely on luck and others, you have to learn to rely on yourself for happiness. Not finding a girlfriend or boyfriend. Not getting a better job. Not being the life of the party. You. Yourself.
You must be willing to fight for it too. Letting happiness slip away with weak relationships, items of desire and unrealistic expectations is no way to live. You must be happy with you. Who you are. What you have. What you’re blessed with. Every little damn thing in your life that makes it a good one.
First focus on your own happiness through gratitude. No through aspiration. When the aspiration is put into place, you will be even more thankful in the end. That means a better you and a more genuine and wholesome satisfaction of each and every day.
Live to love yourself and love to live with yourself.