Problems approach us every single day in our life. Some are worse then others, but they are all one in the same. They are problems. Problems suck. Just about everyone agrees on that part. They make life more difficult, cause more problems and on top of that, they are pretty unpredictable.
Here’s the good news. They are never going to stop coming.
Wait…..did you just say “good news?”
Problems can bring just as much good into our lives as they can bring struggle.
Here is why.
Every single problem we face is an opportunity to react and find a solution. You have to think “How can we fix this problem?” The next part to understand is “Can it be fixed temporarily or permanently?” Each problem we face we have to understand what we are capable, the help we can find and if the solution will be “good enough.”
The problem that I tend to see in others and I even do this myself is that we settle for “good enough.”
The key difference between a “good enough” solution and the best solution is our attitude to which we handle the problems. We may not be able to have permanent solutions for things in our life and that is where our attitude is most important. It is also the center of overcoming problems we cannot predict. Having a good attitude in handling struggles we face is what prepares us for problems we know could happen again as well as the crazy ones we didn’t see coming.
Our attitude is the most powerful we have. It’s the only thing we have true control of. It allows us to pursue and follow through with the best actions. Your attitude about the problem completely changes your actions.
The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem.
Captain Jack Sparrow
I think the captain said it best. If you feel that the problems you face are the cause of your attitude maybe it’s time you focus on your attitude to the problems. Stop focusing on the problem and start focusing on the solution.
Agree with you and Jack!
That Jack Sparrow is one smart cookie……sometimes… haha.