Our fathers can teach us so much. Fathers of others can teach us as well. Even if we think they aren’t perfect, they have wisdom we can learn from. There is something interesting about when a man becomes a father. The idea that you are responsible to raise and guide a child into adulthood. Father’s have a huge influence on all of us. I am not saying father figures have more influence than mothers, but they are just as vital.
Fathers can’t determine what their child will like or be passionate about, but they can teach their children to take responsibility for themselves and be proud of who they are. My dad has done this for me. He has taught me tough love. He has taught me to never give up on others, but be prepared to guard myself from enemies.
As much as I might be different from him we have so much in common. I have inherited many of his traits both physically and mentally. I don’t think I will ever live up to who he is today, raising four kids and working his butt off to raise all of us right. He invested in The Children’s ISA for each one of us. He wanted us to live a good life and be good people. I think about how much he has done for me every single day. I may not voice it or tell him all the time, but he knows it rests in my heart.
We need to look up to fathers for guidance and support. They know what we need to hear. Even when it’s not what we want to hear.
Be willing to listen and you might just hear what they have to say in a different light.
Are there fathers in your life that have taught you well?
My dad is a huge influence on me. He continually shows me what it means to sacrifice for others. He is a good man.
That’s great man. My dad is the same. Always giving and asking for nothing in return. The joy is in the giving.