My very first book is going to be available on iTunes and Amazon in a matter of 24 hours. It’s quite the surreal feeling. I still can’t believe I wrote a book. To me, it has tremendous value, because a part of me is in that book forever. Almost 4 months of my life was committed to writing and editing that book.
So why did I write The Elements of Blogging?
I wrote it for everyone that wants to become a better person through blogging. I wrote it for those that want to share their knowledge and experiences with the world. I could try to say I wrote it for me, for another check in my pocket, but that’s not why I wrote it.
I wrote it for others.
As much as this book has a parts about me and my experiences, the book is about teaching others and sharing my experiences so they can take what they need to grow. I also wanted a place to share some of my favorite people that blog and love it as much as I do. To give them recognition was very important to me. My new book is full of so many stories and great wisdom from people I have met over the past few years. Some of them have had a deep influence on my personally, while others are just super good at what they do and I admire that.
So now I sit with this resounding conflict in my mind.
How do you put a price on sharing wisdom from others beside from yourself?
I have been so grateful for everyone that has helped me on this book and have a hard time justifying putting a price on my book. So I want to do this …
I plan on giving away my book for free both in a PDF as well as the audio version right here on my blog.**
I want distribute the files to those as a thank you for visiting my blog, because I feel like if you have found my blog, you matter. Your curiosity, like mine, is something I appreciate beyond most things in life. I want people to feel like I care about them. Because I do. So much. Time and time again, I have learned that giving brings more value to your own life. I can only hope that you and others share my book with others and help them become great bloggers. Hopefully even better people.
I firmly believe that by becoming a better blogger, you become a better person.
What about iTunes and Amazon?
I think one of the coolest things about having my book on those platforms is that it’s another avenue for me to reach people. Most people that browse iTunes and Amazon probably don’t browse my blog. That’s basic math right there, but the idea that I can create the opportunity to reach them is just awesome. I decided to price my book at $5 on those markets. If they read the beginning of my book they can find out how to get the audio version for free as a thank you for their purchase. I want to make sure they are getting the full value from me and a genuine thank you when they email me their receipt.
When I was asking others about pricing my book, they told me that it would be something they would definitely pay for. That gives me so much confidence in pricing my book at $5. I know it has great value and I am at a point with my writing where I should be asking for something in return for my wisdom and organizing so many great stories for others to read all in one place. It can be hard to put a price on something you create, but as a creator you have to be open about how much your time and energy is worth. You can’t expect to work for free forever.
I feel confident I am at that point in my writing. Especially since others are seeing the value in it. It’s not just me anymore. It’s no longer a game of convincing myself it has value, because others believe in what I create and who I am. The fact that someone told me last week, “Where can I buy it that gives you the most money?” is just something that boggles my mind. People genuinely respect me, my knowledge and want me to succeed.
And that’s an awesome feeling.
**The free PDF and Audiobook will be available in late June 2014