Remember that guy in one of your groups for a class that had a very important task? Remember how all because of him your group got a bad grade? Yeah, that guy. Remember that guy?
That guy is a jerk, but it doesn’t mean he won’t make something of himself in the future. It kind of makes you wonder what he is up to right now. Maybe he is doing extremely well. Maybe not so much.
Either way, as much as you want him to fail for the rest of his life for getting you a bad grade, why don’t you help him become a better person. To help him own up to his mistakes. To lend a hand and figure out what made him act that way when you were in a group together.
Maybe it was the rest of the group being prejudice and expecting him to fail. Maybe they didn’t ask him if he could even handle that responsibility. Rather than find someone to blame. Seek out a better solution that you didn’t even know you needed.
Sometimes all we need to do is communicate to prevent a disaster.
Well said. This happened to me a few weeks ago. Someone in our group didn’t show up. We thought it had been his fault, but it was really a miscommunication.