I am told that I’m the guy that likes to help out and just give to other people. It isn’t always money. I don’t have a lot of that. I’m in college debt like most people in their late 20’s. We just live with that. Just because we feel like we don’t have the finances to give does not mean we don’t have the time, energy and skills to give to others.
I’m not sure where my drive to be a giving person comes from today, but I am certain that my parents are to “blame” for this great trait I have.
So why am I talking about how much of a giving person I am? – yeah Jacob, what the heck? What’s the point here?
The problem with how giving I am, is that I am also person that has a hard time receiving it from others. I kind of hate asking for help. It makes me feel weak and dependent on others. It almost brings about a sense of guilt… Sometimes even a sense of failure when I ask for help. Even when people give out of pure compassion, with no reason behind it, I am speechless and don’t feel like I deserve to be given anything.
It’s been a slow process for me to remove myself from the idea that I am not worth giving to. That I don’t deserve help and that it’s ok to be dependent on others for things. I am not Superman. My friend Gary tells me this all the time. Even Superman needed help from time to time.
If this sort of feels like you, it’s ok. We are in this journey together. You need to learn that you are not perfect, you are not able to do everything alone, and that you should be most grateful for gifts we receive from others. Guilt should never be a factor when someone gives to you out of pure compassion.
It’s vital that you find someone willing to invest in you just as much as you invest in others. Recently, I feel like I have found a great friend like that. He has been so profound and direct about telling me this. He was the one that recognized how much I give and how little I receive. He knows I deserve greater things. He asks me how I am. Like really how I am. Not just what I’ve been up to, but how I truly feel. What emotions have been running through my soul. It’s difficult at times to talk about, but it’s one of the most relieving things to do.
I am most thankful to have him in my life. I remind him of that as much as I can. If I didn’t I would feel horrible about it.
It is important that you have someone like this in your life. Someone that is willing to dig deep and be completely open with you at almost any point in your life. I hope that you can find someone willing to invest in you just as much, if not more than you invest in others.
It’s a great feeling when you find yourself surrounded by people who help you, just because they believe in you, and you see yourself doing the same, giving all you can to others just because you believe in what they do.
Faith in each other is contagious. It’s awesome! It can totally revitalize how we feel about ourselves and the world we live in.