Have you ever felt like your life is just being sucked into a specific direction? Like a powerful vortex? Whether it’s a good or bad thing, we know it’s inevitable. Perhaps we have to start being more frugal. Maybe we have to invest more time into something we have been neglecting.
Life seems to give us the most obvious signs from time to time. Do we give it all we’ve got or do we just go with the flow?
I encourage you to own the shit out of it. Make it awesome. Be awesome.
You are awesome.
Published via Pressgram
Sometimes good forces pull us, sometimes bad. Sometimes it’s hard to tell what’s what. I think the goal is to start to be aware of those forces whether spiritual, cosmic, synergetic, or empathetic and get more sensitive to them as our life goes on.
Absolutely. It can be interesting to learn awareness as we go through life. That’s why I keep you around ;).