Writing blog posts is an incredible way to generate revenue for you or your business. If that’s your goal… Awesome. If your goal isn’t to make money with your blog. Even better.
Wait… What!?
Why blogging is an opportunity bigger than money.
I’ve written a lot of blog posts in a short amount of time. I started blogging back in 2010 and it was pitiful, but it was a beginning. Then in 2012 I started to understand it for myself. It was an outlet for all the thoughts in my head.
Writing gives you have the chance to make your thoughts whole. It gives your thoughts a purpose. Ideas turn into words on a screen and then they become refined, organized and presented for the world to see. Someone somewhere reads your thoughts and they respond. That could be an internal response that makes them feel excited, think deeply, or start a conversation with someone else. They may never comment or connect with you, but you had an impact on them.
The simple fact that you can share ideas with anyone is incredible. It’s so easy to forget how blessed you are to be able to even do that. I’m writing this post right now and you are reading it and taking it in. I can only hope that this article gives you some form of gratitude for internet technology.
The value of money VS the value of influence.
Sure. Money is great. It pays bills. It enables you to do things, and you can grow it by learning to invest, such as through the best forex brokers. Blogging can also help you generate revenue, but above the money lies influence. The only reason people buy a product from you, whether it’s an item or service, is because you influenced them in some way. That’s what blog posts can do. They have an impact on the way people think.
Again. Blogging is an incredibly powerful tool you are blessed to have access to.
It really makes me reconsider articles I want to write. It makes me think about the end goal. I want to help people. I want to help them understand what their talents are and that they can do great things. I hope it makes you think about it too.
So blog for the sake of sharing ideas and helping others. – Seth Godin constantly writes about this idea. Simple and powerful.
Blog because you can.
I think I need to start blogging
You totally should! You can start for free over at WordPress.com or medium.com