It can be difficult to see how some activities or projects in your life can any influence at all. In an immediate satisfaction world, you expect nothing, but …
Recent Blog Posts
How to be a writer between moments of inspiration.
Inspiration is wonderful when it happens, but the writer must develop an approach for the rest of the time. - Leonard Bernstein. My last post was about where …
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Where do the best ideas for writers come from?
Every writer and blogger wants great ideas to write about. It makes writing fun and exciting. You want the whole world to know about it. Great ideas motivate …
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Final Thoughts – 10 Days to a Better Blog Workshop
I’ll be honest, I did not do this 10 day workshop as it requests, but it still was challenge I found to be very successful for me personally. I was traveling …
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The difference between writing and publishing.
I’ve done a lot of writing within the past few years. Between February and May of 2014 I wrote over 25,000 words in order to publish my first book - released it …
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NPR Tiny Desk Contest Entry – The alt Default
I am proud and happy to share my friend’s band, The alt Default, and their submission for the NPR Tiny Desk Contest. My friend Nathan, the male singer of the …
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My SMART goals for the blog this year.
I’m about a week or so behind on the 10 Days to a Better Blog online workshop, but I’m almost done! The most important part of all of this for me has be my own …

My top posts of 2014… Interesting…
2014 was a pretty intense year for me online. A ton of writing. My goal was to publish 500 blog posts to I got damn close, but was happy with …
Learning to read music again and for good.
Growing up I was never formally trained to read music efficiently. I had a few music classes here and there, but it never stuck. I used to hate music classes …
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What’s this guy all about? Me, Myself and I.
With work and travel getting the best of my time usually spent writing, I had to put the 10 Days to a Better Blog writing course on hold. Until …
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