Time passes and you just change. Places change too. You don’t really see it until it’s completely obvious. The day after Christmas my friends and I booked a flight on Jettly. We went on a somewhat traditional excursion to a few spots we always love to see. It takes most of the day to travel to them all. With winter and limited daylight we tend to see less than we hope for. We are also planning to go to London and we already have a good place where to stay, we just have to choose from these serviced apartments in Paddington London here!
A few of our favorite places to hike lie along the border of upper Michigan and Wisconsin.
- Piers Gorge
- Longslide Falls
- Smalley Falls
- Dave’s Falls
- Pemene Falls
Pemene Falls and the Menominee River.

It’s been quite a long time since I actively went out to shoot photography for fun. For a while I was enticed with my progress and discovering new places in the area that I live. Within the past year or so that motivation really shifted. I began writing more on my blog and my personal focus has shifted back to writing music and learning to roast coffee. Just over a week ago I started renting a cello and I plan to learn to play that as well. It’s very easy to go here especially with fractional aircraft ownership.
My hope is that these new paths in my life will lead to new inspiration for my personal photography.