Life can feel slow.
That is a blessing and curse in itself. Sometimes we feel so overwhelmed and busy that we can’t do everything we want to do. Then there are days where we feel like there is nothing to do or the day is so bad that it takes forever to finish. We want to reach goals or get out of stressful times faster. This thought process happens over and over and over with all of us.
Patience is never easy, but it can become easier as we age. As life goes by faster, as the older generation always says, we tend to be okay with patience. It almost seems to be less cumbersome. We know the day will come. We know it will end. What ever it is we are facing.
We learn to appreciate the journey. No matter how much we say we hate the steps to get there, deep down we love them. We give thanks for what we have learned from them. Friday morning I had the pleasure to speak with a new friend, we’ll call him John, for the first time on Skype call. He really helped shed some light on things I am hoping to pursue. He may have not said it literally, but he spoke about how he learned so much from his trials and errors. He learned from just being bold and trying things.
What do we have to lose? That was something else John left with me. If you think about that, what does it mean to you? To me it means I either lose regret or I lose opportunity. I would much rather lose regret. When it comes to doing some pretty awesome ideas, I would much rather not live wishing I “would have” or “should have” or not been afraid to try.
When life is slow, appreciate it.
When life is fast, slow down.
I’m up one minute and not so up the next. One minute I’m headed in this direction, one minute another. It is all a journey. Thanks for sharing, Jacob!
Your welcome! Glad you enjoyed it. Life is a bumpy ride, but we all have common ground through our struggles. We all can relate and help each other.