I’m about a week or so behind on the 10 Days to a Better Blog online workshop, but I’m almost done! The most important part of all of this for me has be my own evaluation. Both as a writer and my blog’s purpose. Today’s exercise, which you are welcome to try yourself, is about creating goals using a specific rubric as seen below.
The SMART goals methodology:
- Specific – target a specific area for improvement.
- Measurable – quantify or at least suggest an indicator of progress.
- Assignable – specify who will do it.
- Realistic – state what results can realistically be achieved, given available resources.
- Time-related – specify when the result(s) can be achieved.
My Smart goals for 2015.
- Specific – I want to create at least one consistent series of posts, that have one common idea. They will be backed up with facts, data and stories from time to time. My blog has been a bit general and sporadic with topics of discussion so I plan on finding some focus this year. I have a few concepts so far.
- Learning to read music. – Education, exercises, challenges, research and thoughts.
- Learning to play the cello as an adult. – Challenges, exercises, thoughts, videos, etc. This also can include researching cello players from history, interviews, sharing pieces I enjoy listening to etc. Helping new players reach their goals while I reach mine. The cello series and reading music series go hand in hand, so they might be a strong match for this year.
- Writing for the love of it. – While much of the internet and blogging sites focus on how to write posts that people love to read and create blogs that have “good” and “shareable” content, I want to remind people that writing for the sake of happiness is still very valuable.
- Measurable – What can I measure from all of that? Traffic is always a first thought. I can see what folks are more interested in. This year might be a time where I discover what I should focus on next year. All of these topics are easily able to be transferred into many many years of posts. The largest measure I am looking for is community. If I can connect with people and have some influence on common struggles or passions, I consider it a win. People first, traffic second.
- Assignable – Me of course!
- Realistic – I want to aim for one post per week of any given series. Over the year I may let a series go to focus on one more specifically.
- Time-related – In 2015, 40 posts total across any of the series is a easily obtainable. The year has already started and I might have a few weeks that get a bit crazy with work and life.
Will there be other posts on the blog?
Since I do enjoy taking photographs, making videos, and talking about life there may be a few posts through the year that discuss these topics. I don’t think those will take away from the series posts since they will not be my primary focus.
Honestly, writing about those topics make me happy too. That’s a big deal to me. Those discussions may be applicable to the “Writing for the love of it” series. Thats a tentative name by the way.
Have you tried this rubric for your blog’s goals in the past? Maybe you can give them a shot yourself.
the cello…?!? i want to do that too!!
keep me posted on how that goes!
I will be documenting and sharing my journey. My very first lesson is this Wednesday night. Along the way I am learning how to read sheet music as well. Something I always misunderstood growing up and struggled with in college – music theory classes.
Looking forward to seeing how this goes for you man! I expect it’ll be really interesting to see, and every faith that you’ll do well! :)
I’m considering the drums or actually applying myself to the bass.
Thanks man. My friend that has taught violin told me to be prepared for a lot of frustration. Classical strings are very hard to get into and even more so master. I am well prepared for this long road. I am willing to commit and give it all I’ve got. Otherwise I’m literally wasting time, energy and finances on it.