When you approach an obstacle, do you give up or give it all you’ve got?
It’s a pretty crappy feeling when you approach a barrier and feel like it is going to be an impossible task to overcome it. We have all been there, but the biggest difference between the good and the great is usually that the greater crowd usually comes out winning. They stay and figure out how to solve the problem. No matter how long it takes. No matter how hard they have to try. They succeed. Somehow they do.
When you decide for yourself that you want to give it all you’ve got and ten times more, that’s when things start to change.
You begin to see that even though many obstacles can seem impossible, they truly are possible. Sometimes just having a positive outlook can completely change how you approach things. Not just obstacles, but everything in your life.
Even when things feel like they have gotten the best of you, they haven’t. Don’t let them get the best of you.
Dude, so well timed. Needed this today. Thanks for the kick in the pants.
yeah man. Glad to hear it. You rock btw. Love how much you keep up with me. It means a ton.