SEMI-PERMANENT 2013 TITLES from Danny Yount on Vimeo.
I ran across this video today while browsing on Vimeo. I love everything about it. There is a simplicity to it all. No matter how abstract it may feel it creates a simple beauty that cannot be replicated in real life. These title sequences truly inspire me to keep moving forward with any symmetry or mirror type photographs that I create and even venture into symmetry in my video work.
I fell in love with symmetry in 2012.
I became slightly obsessed for a while with symmetry when I found apps on my iphone that could allow you to put two or more images into a single square frame and turn, rotate, and zoom to my hearts desire. I would mostly use the same image to create a reflection, but there were times where I would use a different photo as the other reflection to create a surreal scene. As human beings we can easily get obsessed with perfection and seek out a perfect balance in things. I think that is why symmetry is so attractive. It fills this void in imagery that we cannot fill in the real world that we live in for a brief moment.
Symmetry images from my phone.
My symmetry edit from today in photoshop.
What’s interesting about this edit, is that the light coming from the source, which in this case was the rising sun, is captured in a well defined space in the center and bottom of the image. The lighting you see is almost near impossible without some incredible light rigging to block and spill onto the rest of the pier. It is always fun to experiment with your images and photographs. It is important to be open minded and create great new things that get you excited about what you do and inspire yourself.