Tacksamhet is Swedish for “gratitude.” My ancestry leads back to Sweden. We all tend to come from somewhere else. While we might be born where we currently live, the story that brings us to our current position in life is one beyond our control. If my ancestry wouldn’t have left Sweden I might be there instead of heading on a flight to Florida today.
For that I am grateful. I am grateful for whatever destiny wants to provide. God’s plan if you will.
The gratitude doesn’t end there. Over the past few days I have been participating in a 10 day blogging challenge to evaluate my writing and its purpose. It’s being done through the Desk community. I already have a fairly persistent ritual of writing each day. In 2014 I wrote over 400 posts. The coolest part about the experience is that I’m forced to reflect on a specific prompt that asks the big questions.
Why do I write? What’s my goal? How do I become a productive writer? Questions I don’t always enjoy answering because it makes me analyze my faults.
The part I’ve thoroughly enjoyed over the past three days has been learning about the desk community and what they struggle with too. You realize how many of your own faults are no different than everyone else’s.
I know that I have people to talk to about my writing and its difficulties.
For that I am truly grateful.
400 posts from last year? Damn, I got a lot of reading to catch up on.
yeah man! My goal was 500, you can read more about it below. FYI a good hunk was through Pressgram, but a ton of solid ones typed on my computer.
Read from bottom to top for a chronological progression.