If our mind is the most powerful organ in the body, why do we let it become poisoned?
Poisoned with lies that keep us from being more successful.
And more importantly, from being happy.
Our mind needs our full attention. Which is oddly ironic.
Did you know that the typical brain comprises about 2% of the body’s total weight, but uses 20% of its total energy and oxygen intake?
The idea of taking care of our mind is easily forgotten in a wave of distractions. Even important ones. This is true now more than ever.
2020 is a year of significance in human history.
There is pain, there is suffering.
And that is how change happens. Change is hard.
It’s time to question what we tell ourselves. So that change can be a little less overwhelming.
What are we telling ourselves?
When our mind isn’t distracted, what are we telling ourselves?
Where do these misleading feelings come from?
What do we need to ask in response to these lies so that we can gain control of what is possible for ourselves.
Note: All of these conversations will happen over and over throughout life. I have dealt with all of them in different capacities my entire life. There is no magic potion to fix them. But hopefully my thoughts will help guide you in a better direction when you have these conversations with yourself.
1. What I do is not important
If you’re not a medical professional or don’t provide food, water, or shelter for others, you might often question the importance of the work you do.
You probably wonder…
Does the work I do actually matter?
Yes it does. The work we all do matters.
I found this really great Twitter thread a few weeks ago that gives a good explanation of how everyone’s work matters.

What you need to hear
The work you do matters because at some point in time, you can help someone else have a better life.
You might not always directly see the results or hear about them, but know that impact happens. And remember, all jobs can be thankless in some way or another.
Be grateful for the work you do. Even the opportunity to work.
You don’t “have to go to work.”
You “get to go to work.”
And that is just as important as impact.
2. This is not happening fast enough
What is fast? This is when the conversation becomes relative. But what about the speed of success? Now the comparison game begins.
We see someone else winning at life. We just want to be they are with success.
The idea of putting in more time and effort can feel unfair.
Why are they farther ahead than me?
Why haven’t I hit my goals yet?
What you need to hear
The speed of success does not equal happiness.
This is a reminder to enjoy the climb to the top. Because when you get there, you will just find another mountain to climb.
3. It is not supposed to happen this way
Wanting to be in control is a dangerous game. In a world with unlimited variables, a life obsessed with control is a life of stress. Don’t get caught up in this situation and mindset. Take a step back, breathe and try some stress-relieving remedies, such as the ones from the cbd store.
CBD oil, also known as cannabidiol is a chemical found in hemp plants. You might be wondering does cbd get you high. This type of extract has been gaining more and more popularity because it does not have any psychoactive properties like THC which causes Marijuana smokers to get high when they smoke marijuana or ingest its products. Try CBD health supplements from cbdarmour.co.uk and enjoy the benefits.
The Synchronicity Hemp Oil CBD tinctures are perfect for those looking to reap all these benefits with none added artificial flavors, sugars or preservatives making them great tasting too!
Learn to let go. Life is short.
Progress over perfection.
There is beauty in your path being completely different from everyone else.
Your unique experiences are more valuable than living a life that someone else has already lived.
4. I don’t have the tools to get started
You have everything you need to get started. It starts with you. Your mind, your body, your ambition.
If you have an iPhone, you can become a photographer. If you have access to the internet, you can learn almost anything.
Start from where you are. Tools are meaningless without knowledge and experience.
5. I’m not ready to do this
Yes you are.
The greatest teacher we have is the human experience. The worst mistake you can make is not starting.
So if you don’t feel ready, please know that each day that you wait to start is another day you have to wait to get to where you want to be.