I struggle to write these words right now. I’ve felt a bit uninspired with my personal writing lately. Last year I may have burned myself out with over 400 blog posts. Not to mention a book. This year I have have decided to slow down and focus on quality vs quantity. With smaller goals, comes the feeling that less work is involved. Which is think is not the case. With less publishing comes more criticism. When you criticize yourself more than in the past, your pride in what you publish begins to fall apart.
Suddenly everything you write sucks and you’re all out of ideas.
Writing reminds you how human you really are.
When it comes to getting anything done, writing included, it can feel like the hardest thing you’ve ever done. You throw away comparisons. Before you even begin acting on something you feel like you’ve lost. Writing a blog post can be perceived as difficult as writing a book. I even feel that sometimes and I’ve written a book!
What is it that holds us back from writing? Is it lack of motivation? Inspiration? Desire? Maybe it is those things, but I think there are days when your emotions get the best of you. Being tired mentally can make you tired physically. Are your relationships healthy? Is there an issue between you and someone you know that needs to be discussed?
I firmly believe that in order to be successful in things you want to achieve you must first be successful in emotional, physical and spiritual health. How you wake up and approach each day has lasting impressions on what you do or don’t do. Learning to face our own personal problems can help you tackle smaller issues like writing blog post. Which for some reason you feel is like climbing a mountain.
Struggle and experiences are what making writing real.
Now that I am in a personal season of impatience, anxiety and feeling lost, it is a perfect time to evaluate my personal problems. What are they? Why do I feel this way? What can I do to solve it? Who can I go to for help?
Going through the motions of getting your personal health in check helps you understand that you are not perfect. It is also a great opportunity to write about it. And that is exactly what I plan to do.
Just because life is good, does not mean that you don’t struggle with happiness. And I think that is ok. You can’t be happy all the time. That’s kind of creepy actually and the opposite of what it means to be human. I also think that is something worth talking about.