To be true you must be transparent.
There is nothing worse then living a life where you just hold back. You hold in a lot of things about yourself and think its going to slow you down or be too difficult to handle. We are fearful of the idea that others may know something bad about us. The idea that we are broken people and imperfect (which is perfectly human) seems to be almost nonexistent in our modern culture. People fear imperfections in themselves. Well I am here to tell you that the first time I opened up and said things I do wrong, my world just got a whole lot better.
It is when you allow others to see everything within you that you begin to defeat fear and become more content with yourself.
When we stop concentrating on the fear we can start to analyze our mistakes and failures so we can move forward from them. We shouldn’t be doing this alone either. It takes great courage to even take on this type of responsibility for yourself.
Sometimes the only way forward is through.
When you come to terms with opening up your thoughts and feelings to someone about your own afflictions, you start making great strides. Not only do they provide insight, but they provide compassion, support and motivation for you to get through your struggles.
Many of us can forget that we are not the only people with the same type of problems. We think no one will understand. We focus on ourselves and forget about the troubles of others. When we come to terms with our flaws, we can begin to help others with theirs too. We are given burdens to help others. We provide evidence that you can defeat evil.
Afflictions we have are the most obnoxious blessings we experience. They hurt, but they do the most good. What doesn’t kill us, makes us stronger.
How have you grown from being more transparent with your internal struggles?
This post’s image was done in collaboration with a great friend of mine, Abby Jackson.
You can find her awesome work on her instagram.
She does amazing illustrations of imagery with a multiple exposure feel.