We are always searching.
I don’t think there is a day in my life that I am not searching for something. I am always trying to figure out an answer. Projects big or small, I am always trying to reach a creative zen whether it’s in my writing, photography, videos, or anything I pursue. It’s not only relevant in creative work, but it is profoundly visible in our personal development as human beings.
The hardest thing sometimes is the discovery.
You can either find your discoveries to be completely awesome or completely upsetting. We can put so much effort and time into trying to find an answer or walk through the darkest valley to find there is no answer. I think when we get to those points we need to learn to slow down, back up and just think about what it really means. Were our original intentions true and honorable?
Solutions can sometimes be found from within us.
When we come to the point where there is no solution what do we do? When what we seek doesn’t even exist. Sometimes the things that we seek have different intentions than we really want. That is when we learn come to terms with ourselves. Who we are. What we have done. What we have accomplished. To be content with who we are in this moment. That is astounding. We are living and breathing. Some of us raising families. Some of us are taking care of our own parents. Some of us or helping others succeed in what they want to do and asking for nothing in return.
Why do we do those things?
We do them because of love.
We love each other.
There is no greater solution than love.
This reminds me of something I heard once on a show discussing people who were searching for the Holy Grail. they said that while the search itself was more about the personal journey to become a person worthy to find the Grail, than it was about physically digging for clues.
A journey of worthiness. We all kind of pursue a worthiness for something if you think about it. Whether it’s heaven or the right and honor of owning something or having a responsibility. We pursue the idea that we are worthy of ownership or reward in return for all our hard work.