Work can be stressful. It can be downright upsetting and change you. There are days when work is so draining that you start to become angry. Everyone begins to disagree with you and what you thought would happen becomes far from reality. Everything becomes negative.
Even yourself.
It may seem easier to just take it out on others, but you can also simply choose to take responsibility when things fall apart. Choosing to do what is right is a much better investment than pointing the finger. I’ve been guilty of blaming others for failures, but I’ve learned that even when I know I’m right, I feel so much better when I just show up with gratitude and focus on find solutions rather than complaining about problems.
Who you become is a choice. Be bold.
Action speaks louder than words but not nearly as often. – Mark Twain
We have all heard it before. Actions speak louder than words. You and I both know we don’t always own up to it. Let’s try to be more conscious of it more often. This is how you can better yourself. Being more aware and slowing down to think about the reactions to our actions can move mountains. At my last job I did my best to always be the positive guy on the team. When I left that job my boss was proud of me and the work I did with her team. She was sad to see me leave but happy for my new journey ahead.
Choose to be optimistic and solve problems.
Be persistent and stick to your guns. A positive attitude can go a long way. It’s simple, yet effective. Being a constant pessimist and counting the problems doesn’t solve anything for you or anyone around you. Live to be a helper. People love helpers because a giving nature is a welcome one. Be willing to work hard and eventually others will see you in a new light.
Become the person others can rely on.
This is invaluable. It can take a while to become this kind of person. Persistent optimism and helpfulness gets you there. Once you reach this point, you can learn when to say no to things so you don’t get burned out. You can start to communicate that saying no is not necessarily a negative thing anymore. It’s a smart choice. You’ll have enough experience under your belt to help others understand why.
Help others be problem solvers.
A positive attitude is contagious. When others see you doing great things and being an influence on different levels they want to be a part of that. They want to learn from you. When the attention is on you it creates opportunity. Remember that just because you’ve reached a leadership type role doesn’t mean you get to stop working hard. With all eyes on you, it means you have to button up and keep pushing forward.
Actions speak. Actions teach. Actions are remembered.
Some great practical advice. It is not just what we do that matters, but who we are and become that also matters!