For day five of 10 Days to a Better Blog, an awesome writing and blogging workshop, we were asked to evaluate our blog(s). What do we write about? What posts have received the best results? What tags and categories do we use? What do we enjoy writing about the most? All of these quesitons really make us refine what our purpose of our blog is.
This is something I’ve really struggled with.
For the most part my blog is a personal documentation of my life and things I love to do mixed in with lessons I’ve learned. Is that too broad? Perhaps, but it makes me very happy. Everything my blog has done for me is outstanding. The people I’ve met and opportunities I’ve had through it cannot be compared to many other investments in my life.
So if I had to find focus for my blog what would it be? I tend to write about life experiences and lessons learned from myself and others in my life. I also enjoy researching history and sharing stories that can teach us. As much as I like to share “how to do this” or “how to do that” I am not sure it is what I want. I am not looking to make an extra buck off my site. I just want to connect with people. I want to create pieces that folks can relate to.
That’s hard to even plan for.
Perhaps 2015 is a time where I try to plan a plan. Yup. That just sounds weird, but it means I spend time to figure out where my focus should be. Perhaps I will share my cello journey. Do research and share my struggle of learning a new instrument. Along the way share exercises that have benefited me the most. I could give insight into resources I have found the most useful so others can learn the cello efficiently.
Is 2015 the year of the cello?
We shall see.