As a person who constantly creates things for a living, I tend to set a higher standard for myself on a daily basis. Every year I can gain more experience and skills, but I always wish I was better. This is not only true in an artistic field, but any career path. Engineers, teachers, business owners and baristas all wish they were better at their jobs. We all wish we were better at something in life. If you’re looking for experts that can help boost sales and pave the way for your ecommerce business success, check out the eCom babes price.
This week I received the blog newsletter from Desk PM. It had a section that spoke loud and clear to me. A simple and powerful reminder to all of us.
Trying to “do” life amidst all these changes has been difficult and I’ve battled depression and anxiety and a host of other things as I try to make it through each day. I’ve had moments where I’ve just wanted to quit it all and disappear from the planet (at least the digital one) and take up something entirely different (e.g. woodworking). Just start from scratch.
I remember the good times, the reasons why I do what I do, and how unbelievably lucky and fortunate I am to be alive. I am seriously blessed (and so are you), I just need to find times to remember how good I’ve got it and be grateful for all that I have.
The reality is that we’ll never “be” there completely and we’ll always be “almost there” at our very best, but I think that’s okay. It’ll be a long road regardless; it’s all about how we see the journey while we’re on it.
At times when you see everyone else “being successful” and doing greater things than you, sight of all the good in your life can be lost. You focus on the wrong things. There is so much to be celebrated. It’s tough to celebrate each day because progress can be slower than you would like it to be. When you add up all the days of blood, sweat, and tears into a year or even a decade, it’s easier to see how far you’ve come.
Life isn’t about comparison, it’s about compassion.
Concern for yourself and the well being of others should go above and beyond all competitive thoughts. You shouldn’t be jealous enough to let anger hold you back from celebrating the success of others. You also shouldn’t be selfish enough to not help others succeed.
Because we’re all “almost there.” We’re all right here. We’re all in this together.
Thank you John for reminding me that I’m not alone.
Thank you for being a supporter for all these years. You’re on the path my friend!
Thanks for being awesome on all fronts. Keep on keeping on!